
It's been awhile since I don't blogging and how stupid I am that I forgot my own password.Trust me,this is ain't the first time.

I'm currently now staying at home,and yeah..I didn't find any single job that available.But atleast I did home chores and I got RM200 every month which quite fine with me as I don't need to think about lunch and transport money.But the bad news is,SPM result will be out on 16 March and I have to say I'm quite scared.Just like Bazil said"kau buat tenang je" haha.Yeah right dude,it ain't gonna happen.

This 3 month is "meaningful" to me.Many things happened the way that very unexpected.And it teach me a lot of things that I should see a long long time ago.For example,dissapearing is so not cool.I meant it.What kind of friend who just dissapeared?So there you go,lesson number one:)

How I miss spending my time with I.I really do.I know it sounds weird,but we never having fun just both us.I guess we both like some havoc and crazy things in our life right?;)

HONESTLY,I miss I,K,M,N,D.S,H,I,A and the list of alphabeats goes on and on.Guys,I really really miss you a lot.There's always a good moments to remember and I hope you guys think the same.D