SPM 2009..

I'm gonna miss you guys after this..Even we're barely know each other but knowing you guys for 1 year is enough for me..So,after this we'll not be the same again I guess..No more cleaning "the hall",no more hearing Tr.Zaza long "speech",Tr.Lin high pitch voice,Tr.Zaid maths formula,Tr.Yusri Kelantanese way of talking,and yes Tr.Nadawi selambe action;)
Afterall,this is only the beginning of real life right..Long way to go huh.We shall see and gather again one day when everyone have fullfill their dreams and success in life.I hope I do:)

p/s;"Ferarri Hijau" teringat Hafiy,Atos teringat Izzat,Skuter Pink teringat Mino,T-bunt teringat Ethan haha.