This is exactly how I feel right now. It's hard to describe,it's unexplained but I guess this is the right word for all that happens in my life right now. And yeah,I am reaaaaaallllyyyyy enjoys it. I know I'm a strong girl,but come on even Wonder Woman fail sometime right,so it shows that I'm not that strong enough perhaps maybe I'm just a tough girl inside and out. Life have to move on. You go upwards not backwards. Love issues will never have the end and yet I'm kinda sick and tired of fighting. Why love,oh why? Family and money,well these both things don't bother me that much like love issues. People were right,relationship are hard especially when you have someone special in your life huh. You gotta do what you have to do man! I mean,I am being myself and I don't change for who I am just for love. That is shitly hypocrite. So,yeah go FUCK.