1. Cheat on us
It’s disrespectful. Not to be honest enough to just tell us that you want to see other people, and do it behind our back. You’re letting us know what you really think of us. It would just make us feel suspicious of the whole relationship.
2. Check up on us every 5minutes
It’s your way of letting us know that you don’t trust us, o that you’re actually smothering and clingy. Either way, it’s not good. And it’s really annoying.
3. Lie to us
You need honesty in any relationship. And not just with your girlfriend, even with your friends and whoever.
4. Be jealous of our boy friends
You have to understand we’ll have friends who just happen to be boys, whom we’ve known even before we got relationship. It’s not fair if you make us choose. If I had to choose I would probably still choose my boyfriend, but I would end up resenting him as a result. It could lead to breakup, and then I would just hang out with those boys he got jealous of in the first place.
5. Make us feel guilty for hanging out with our friends
We have to have time to bond with our friends, even if it’s just watching chick-flick movies. We do some things that boys just aren’t involved in. you shouldn’t have to question that.
6. Take us for granted
In the beginning you just really appreciate everything, but as the relationship goes on, to some extent you tend to take each other for granted. And no matter how hard we try to please you, it’s either your way or the highway. We soon realize it’s not good for either of us.
7. Be too dependent on us
Unless you are completely engulfed in each other’s worlds, you should have your own life, your own friends. We should have that time together, but you should still have your own space to hag out-with your friends or by yourself.